Choose The Right POS System for your Pizzeria

Here are some points to consider when choosing the right Pizza POS system:

Ingredient Inventory

Comprehensive inventory down to the ingredient level.

Custom Menu Building

Menu demands vary. Have the option to keep it simple or complex. The choice is yours.

Pizza by Slice

Your POS systems should allow customers to be creative, slice by slice.

Online Ordering

Your POS system should make online ordering foolproof.

Delivery Management

Know where all your drivers are and be on time, each and every time. No one likes cold pizza.


Your POS system should provide easily accessible, comprehensive reports

Get started with revonu POS now

Robust POS System

Innovative, flexible, and easily customizable. revonu POS does all the thinking for you, so you can worry about the real issues on hand.

View Real Time Inventory Usage

Check your current inventory levels, know your most popular items and get alerts when you are running out of something. Easily add items and reorder inventory.

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